Accommodation & Hotels in Mahalapye Botswana

Information on Mahalapye Botswana, location of hotels, lodges, camp sites, guest houses, bed and breakfasts and places to stay in the Mahalapye area of Botswana. Distances from major attractions to Mahalapye and information about shops, fuel and facilities.

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Maeto Lodge Mahalapye

places to stay in Mahalapye

Maeto Lodge is a 19 bedded hotel, built of locally sourced reeds, gum poles and furnished to the highest standards. Each room is to a different theme and each feature the work of different local artist. We offer specious double executive well ventilated rooms, with DSTV and mini bar fidges.

Read more about Maeto Lodge

Price Guide: Price on request




Premier Hotel Mahalapye

places to stay in Mahalapye

Premier Hotel is a quiet hotel located just outside of Mahalapye, offering clean accommodation, Restaurant, Business Center, Swimming Pool, Internet Services, Conference Room, Satellite Television and a Bar.

Read more about Premier Hotel

Price Guide:



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