Accommodation & Hotels in Selebi Phikwe Botswana

Information on Selebi Phikwe Botswana, location of hotels, lodges, camp sites, guest houses, bed and breakfasts and places to stay in the Selebi Phikwe area of Botswana. Distances from major attractions to Selebi Phikwe and information about shops, fuel and facilities.

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Hotel Stonehouse Selebi Phikwe

Hotel Stonehouse

Hotel Stonehouse has thirty bedrooms and suites located within lush gardens. They are designed for living & working with separate business and relaxation areas and a private patio.

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Rooms and Camping

Phokoje Bush Lodge Selebi Phikwe

Phokoje Bush Lodge

Phokoje bush lodge provides the ideal setting for relaxation in the bushveld. We offer perfect tranquillity, superb accommodation and exquisite cuisine to make your stay with us a memorable one.

The quiet and peaceful surroundings provides the ideal environment for team building, workshops, corporate functions and wedding receptions.

Read more about Phokoje Bush Lodge

Price Guide:




Cresta Bosele Hotel Selebi Phikwe

places to stay in Selebi Phikwe

Cresta Bosele Hotel is a 3 star hotel, centrally located in Selibe Phikwe. It has a total of 52 fully airconditioned and newly refurbished rooms, is surrounded by beautifully well kept gardens and has ample 24 hour parking spaces for guests to use.

Read more about Cresta Bosele Hotel

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